Over the past decade at Comic Con India, we've had the privilege to work with the finest of pop-culture fandom. Over 13000 strong, they have had many names – group, team, army, and now Legion. But more than anything, our Volunteer Legion is our family. So, come join our Volunteer Family and help us put together the biggest pop-culture experiences in all of South Asia!
Over the past decade at Comic Con India, we've had the privilege to work with the finest of pop-culture fandom. Over 12000 strong, they have had many names – group, team, army and now Legion. But more than anything, our Volunteer legion is our family. So, come join our Volunteer Family and help us put together the biggest pop-culture experiences in all of South Asia!
We are looking for fans willing to go to the next level, and take initiative! Ready to unleash your inner superhero?
Our legion is our voice, our legion is our network. Are you connected? Do you have the ability to spread our message to all the seven realms?
We love our family, and we show it! From professional recognition to a bag full of goodies, come join us.